miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009

Physical Anthropology

Maybe Physical anthropology is one of the strangest careers, but is closer to the people that we expect. This is one of the branches of the Anthropology, and it is not easy to define it. But I can say that Anthropology is the discipline that studies the human being from the cultural aspect. It is made up of social Anthropology; Archaeology; Physical Anthropology and Linguistics, the difference lays in the way the problem is approached. Physical Anthropology discipline studies culture too, but from the human being biology point of view. It means that PA studies the culture stamp in the human body –or its remainders-, at individual level or population level. From this definition, we have a lot of fields like Evolution, Forensic, Bioarchaeology and Population Genetics. Now as we understand what PA does, we can know its utility. First, it’s a way to obtain knowledge about our specie, but beyond the academy the Physical Anthropology can have a social purpose, in Health Politics for example or in Human Rights, in cases of violence or identification of corpses.

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