miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2009

The use of technology in physical anthropology

At the present time, Technology has been a means of scientific validation, giving you bigger analytical sustenance and methodology.The development of the physical anthropology has gone together with technology. It plays an essential role in the contemporary discipline.
The technology has been a grateful support to the science disciplines for very reasons. One of the reasons is that technology makes easy the manipulation of material and his processing. Oder reason is that technologies reduce the error inter-researcher, because it allows taking measures independently of the researcher eyes, playing down the subjectivity. This two thinks are so important to the scientific methodology, but is odder subject that is more important. Technologies allow analysing the bioanthropological material without harm it. This last topic is so important because the bioantropologica material y to fragile, and it can’t be replicate.
Technologies are used as an analyse instrument of the obtained Data. It is so important for each discipline branch, like population genetics, paleodemography, morphometry, phylogeny, among others.
Statistics has become an essential tool in order to the development of the anthropology as a science, and it has been permits thanks to the development of a width number of computer programs. This allows that anybody may make a valid statistical analysis without the need of big financial resources or special machines (as ancient cards).
Another field of the physical anthropology that has an ample use, and dependence, of technology is even the population genetics. In order to work on population genetics not only we have to have the instrumental to obtain the genes, but everything one database system and computational pro-seedings to analyze them. Regarding the data bases, they have created important banks of information through internet like it Genbank's case, this data base contains the genetic information of the majority of her publications where they have sequenced genes. Another web project is Blast, a data base (use to be GenBank) and a web program that allow finding genetic sequences matches in other species or inside the same species. For example, if I want to find a sequence that determines any human disease in another species, I can introduce the gene of that disease in Blast and it will show me the species that have that gene or join match. This allows make a genetic analysis in any place without sequence genes, using the commentary information. This is so important to a good scientific development.
Technology has finally become an essential tool for physical anthropology and for science in general, where not only make easy the production of information, but allow to share it.

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009

The facilities of my faculty

The history of my faculty never was easy. The faculty and the carriers have a lot of troubles to develop it, because is generally knows that social sciences are not a classic discipline. Since military dictatorship the budgets of the faculty was reduced, and some carriers was closed. In 90’ the faculty starts his recuperation and back to gather their resources. This is the reason because our faculty has no much resource, but with the time is improving its conditions. In the case of my carrier, physical anthropology, the university had conditioned a great deposit to a big bioanthropologyc collection, recovered for years. There are not many collections like this in the word. Now, what we need to lot better the conditions of investigation work is implement good laboratories to study those collections. Currently the labs are fine to make a general analysis of the collections, but are not adequate to make a molecular analysis. Fortunately, now teachers get a budget to implement a professional laboratory to generate good studios and projects, about molecular and histological topics. The aim is have the necessary conditions to generate relevant scientific knowledge.

viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

Little known Music

Thanks to internet we have access to a very wide music spectrum. But to take advantage of this is important to know about it. Unfortunately, music works as a industry, therefore music divides between the music of easy access and music of difficult access. This is because the industry makes a selection of the music bands and types to it distribution and this is like a POP filter. When we talk about POP is in a wide mean, it’s make reference to the popular preference. But this preference is determinate by industry that popularized some type of music becoming it a common taste. This is regrettable because the bans that become famous are a POP adaptation of real and original bands whose break schemes. This is the reason because in the radio we hear a lot of bands that sound so similar and we never hear about the bands that make the difference and that are real good. Thanks to the industry, and the people whose doesn’t appreciate the new sounds, the original bands end up buried in ignorance. Fortunately, we can find and recover this old and unrecognized music to retune the value that they deserve.

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009

Public Transport

The public transport is one of the reasons because I transfer myself in bike. I used to use the public transport when I was in the school. At this time yellow buses was rounding for the city. I doesn’t was in cycle because my school was so far. The yellow buses were fast, but reliable and dirty. I never like the yellow buses, his system was to disorganized and disorder. The transantiago was the big promise, we thought that we will have a dissent public transport, but it is a disaster. In thing that the reason of this disappointment system was a bad politic administration. However, people use to forget the big problems that we had with the former system. Now the driver is more careful and don’t do races. In addition, transantiago is cleaner, but now so much yellow buses were painted and the work like a transantiago, therefore is almost the same thing. I thing that the only solution for the public transport problem is make the buses a Estate property, like it is in Spain, because a system a half private and a half public allows to commit irregularities. For the moment I will keep travelling in my bicycle.

viernes, 21 de agosto de 2009

The place that I would love to visit

Since I was a child I wanted to go to Germany, I don really know why I had that obsession, maybe because me father studied a couple of years in Berlin and he use to talk me about it some times. I think that I like this country because I like his music, his history and because is the birthplace of the most important intellectuals and personalities from occident. I used to like his culture and I studied the language, I really love it. But then a start to know German people and I doesn’t like his coldness, they doesn’t care my interest too. So, with the past of the years I lack interest of this country, but it doesn’t mean that I lack interest in the thing that I had mentioned; I just see it with more distance. Now I thing Germany is a good country to keep my studies, But the country that I would like to visit and know must to be more warm, something in the Mediterranean like Marruecos or some middle east country. In every way I would like to travel a lot and know every type of country. I would like to travel with my work to know all the realities

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009

That year

If I start to think about this year I don’t really know how define it. The last term has been hart in so many terms. In the university the classes was less interesting for me, in fact I fail a course for first time in my live: physiology. I thing I haven’t a good attitude in university and wasn’t motivated. But maybe it was only a stage, a little vocational crisis or just a boring semester. The truth it wasn’t easy, I had family and money problems, but these things make me growth and at the finish of the term I could resolve my problems. Now I know that I love my career and what I like to work in. Now I have my own businesses that guarantee to me that I will be well off. However it is one important good thing to me in that year, I’m talking about my relationship that starts at the beginning of this year. I have been a great experience. Now I’m so happy and relax, because I thing that the worse thing has been happen. Now I must enjoy what remains of the rest of the year. Probably, the next year is going to be even harder.

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009

My favorite subject

I think that my favorite subject is music, I enjoy listen music and know about it: his history and his styles. Maybe I have this obsession because my family has an important appreciation of music. My grandfather use to listen classic music all the time and in each lunch we listen his music, even in his funeral was four violinists playing his favorite peas. In other hand, my father loves the Beatles and always say that he know it when nobody knew them. He love pink Floyd too, we listen it en each travel to the beach. Another people who teach me about music were my uncles they make me to hear rock like “Black Sabbath” and “Van Halen“. My sister is a music lover too, she was obsess with Nirvana, and she know a lot about music stiles, maybe she is my first reference, our preferences are so similar but no the same. I’m more retro than she and I have a predilection for blues and the early experimental music. Well I love music.

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009

Me future

When people ask me about my career, immediately they ask to me “and what are you going to do in you future?” so I use to say “well… a lot of things” and I start to number a few things that a would like to do but I rally don’t know if I can because the physical anthropology field is some indefinite. If somebody ask me how is going to be my life in 5 years, is difficult to answer because I always thought that I will be making a magister or some degree in other country, but maybe I will be married and it is not easy to travel for a long time with another person. Another possibility is that I will be working non stop and I’m going to forget the idea of keep studding. I even don’t know if I will can to obtain a grant. But now I don`t know if I ra want to study to have a good work and no money problems. But I not interesting in being renowlly want to keep studding, I wont to keep stress, maybe it would be better for me study latter. I suchned and prestige, I want a simple life, without stress and frustration.

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009

The best in my career

If somebody asks to me about my career I would not stop to talk about it, excepting for one think: I have no idea about how are principal representatives of my discipline. Apparently Physical Anthropologist doesn’t have a Totem structure, like Psychology and Social Anthropology, maybe because his taxpayers come from different areas of investigation like Medicine, Biology and Archaeology. In the other hand, Physical Anthropology don’t have the same root in each country, in the case of Chile, we follow the Anglo-Saxon tradition were PA is a trend of Anthropology –in general-, but in Europe PA is a trend of Biology and isolated to social Anthropology, for example. Nevertheless we can see some classic authors like William Bass –author of “human osteology”-, Douglas H. Ubelaker and Jane Ellen Buikstra how performed the principal bioarcheological material.

Physical Anthropology

Maybe Physical anthropology is one of the strangest careers, but is closer to the people that we expect. This is one of the branches of the Anthropology, and it is not easy to define it. But I can say that Anthropology is the discipline that studies the human being from the cultural aspect. It is made up of social Anthropology; Archaeology; Physical Anthropology and Linguistics, the difference lays in the way the problem is approached. Physical Anthropology discipline studies culture too, but from the human being biology point of view. It means that PA studies the culture stamp in the human body –or its remainders-, at individual level or population level. From this definition, we have a lot of fields like Evolution, Forensic, Bioarchaeology and Population Genetics. Now as we understand what PA does, we can know its utility. First, it’s a way to obtain knowledge about our specie, but beyond the academy the Physical Anthropology can have a social purpose, in Health Politics for example or in Human Rights, in cases of violence or identification of corpses.

miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009

I have the face from the photo

This photo has a good history. I downloaded from internet because it is from Blixa Bargeld, an important Germany musician. I like the photo because he looks alienated from the world like the meaning of his music. I had this photo in my msn to say “I`m alienated” today or at this time, then my partners from the university started to recognize the photo and they use it to tell me “each day you look more similar to the photo”. This isunderstood because I was so tired with my classes, especially anatomy. Finally when I felt so tired, stressed and ugly I said I`ve the same face from the photo, and everybody could understand me and feel like the photo too. In the end of the academic year my partners requested me to put the photo in the mail from the class, because everybody felt indentified with the photo.

martes, 9 de junio de 2009

My last vacation

The last year I had a wonderful vacations, first I went to San Pedro de Atacama to make something like a practise in the Padre Le Paige museum with Pamela, with my partner. We was twenty days working there with the osteological material at the collection and helping at two partners from 4 grade. It was very fan and interesting for my carrier, including we made friends. When I back I past one week in Santiago with my boyfriend and then a friend invite us to the Elqui Valley. We had no enough money so we travel in hic-shaking, it was to easy went to the valley and my boyfriend wanted to travel more so we keep to the north. People were so nice, cars and trucks took us in the road to our destiny. We past for Bahía Inglesa and we meet with my boyfriend brothers who were travelling to. Then we went to Pan de Azúcar national park and finally we arrived to San Pedro again. In this second time I could tour and know pleases that I couldn’t visit in my first time. Obviously in the we return in bus, we were so tired.

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009

my favorite piece of technology

I don`t like to depend of the technology, but in this times we can`t survive without a personal computer. For that reason my laptop begins the most important piece of technology that I have, more than my phone, for example. I pay it with the money that I earn working in a summer and my father helps mi with part of the price. It cost to mi very cheap, because I buy it to an uncle who dedicate to sell computers.
In my laptop I have my life, all my information, including my school and university works and, of course, my praise music. The important of a computer consist of it is not just an information bank, it is a work tool and; thank to internet; is a connection with the exterior world (because I past the most part of my time working or studying inside my house). Thinking well, is a hate and love relation, because thanks to my laptop, I past too much time in front of a screen.

domingo, 24 de mayo de 2009

My name is Cata and this is my first blog. The truth I don’t like to expose aspects about my life on the net, but since this is obligatory, am going to try to make it, al least, interesting.