miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2009

The use of technology in physical anthropology

At the present time, Technology has been a means of scientific validation, giving you bigger analytical sustenance and methodology.The development of the physical anthropology has gone together with technology. It plays an essential role in the contemporary discipline.
The technology has been a grateful support to the science disciplines for very reasons. One of the reasons is that technology makes easy the manipulation of material and his processing. Oder reason is that technologies reduce the error inter-researcher, because it allows taking measures independently of the researcher eyes, playing down the subjectivity. This two thinks are so important to the scientific methodology, but is odder subject that is more important. Technologies allow analysing the bioanthropological material without harm it. This last topic is so important because the bioantropologica material y to fragile, and it can’t be replicate.
Technologies are used as an analyse instrument of the obtained Data. It is so important for each discipline branch, like population genetics, paleodemography, morphometry, phylogeny, among others.
Statistics has become an essential tool in order to the development of the anthropology as a science, and it has been permits thanks to the development of a width number of computer programs. This allows that anybody may make a valid statistical analysis without the need of big financial resources or special machines (as ancient cards).
Another field of the physical anthropology that has an ample use, and dependence, of technology is even the population genetics. In order to work on population genetics not only we have to have the instrumental to obtain the genes, but everything one database system and computational pro-seedings to analyze them. Regarding the data bases, they have created important banks of information through internet like it Genbank's case, this data base contains the genetic information of the majority of her publications where they have sequenced genes. Another web project is Blast, a data base (use to be GenBank) and a web program that allow finding genetic sequences matches in other species or inside the same species. For example, if I want to find a sequence that determines any human disease in another species, I can introduce the gene of that disease in Blast and it will show me the species that have that gene or join match. This allows make a genetic analysis in any place without sequence genes, using the commentary information. This is so important to a good scientific development.
Technology has finally become an essential tool for physical anthropology and for science in general, where not only make easy the production of information, but allow to share it.

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009

The facilities of my faculty

The history of my faculty never was easy. The faculty and the carriers have a lot of troubles to develop it, because is generally knows that social sciences are not a classic discipline. Since military dictatorship the budgets of the faculty was reduced, and some carriers was closed. In 90’ the faculty starts his recuperation and back to gather their resources. This is the reason because our faculty has no much resource, but with the time is improving its conditions. In the case of my carrier, physical anthropology, the university had conditioned a great deposit to a big bioanthropologyc collection, recovered for years. There are not many collections like this in the word. Now, what we need to lot better the conditions of investigation work is implement good laboratories to study those collections. Currently the labs are fine to make a general analysis of the collections, but are not adequate to make a molecular analysis. Fortunately, now teachers get a budget to implement a professional laboratory to generate good studios and projects, about molecular and histological topics. The aim is have the necessary conditions to generate relevant scientific knowledge.